The event is produced by Lido Chilelli, co-produced by Pat Carpignano, with musical direction by Rico Ferrara - the same gentlemen that manage the Toronto's Beaches International Jazz Festival, now in its 27th year of operation and drawing crowds in excess of 900,000 people. Lido (interviewed by Rogers on the right) is recipient of the Queen's Golden Jubilee Medal and is highly excited about the event. With Rico's assistance, they have selected talent that will be real crowdpleasers! Pat, is equally thrilled, and has plans for two terrific stages.
What's more, Lido, Pat and Rico live for a good time and plan to return to Wasaga year after year. We hope you will, too!
Did we forget to mention that entrance into the Wasaga Beach Fest! is FREE!
Absolutely, positively FREE!!
That's right! What could be better?!! A great weekend of family-oriented entertainment, the sun, the outdoors, beautiful water lapping at your feet, with no added cost!
Looking to stay the weekend? Wasaga Beach is hailed as one of the premier tourist destinations in Ontario. For over a century tourists have traveled to the welcoming shores of southern Georgian Bay to stroll along the 14 kilometres of white sand beach, swim in the warm, clean water and enjoy the panoramic mountain views across the bay.
Learn more about weekend accomodations.